KJ-600 carrierborne AEWC thread & possible KY-600 (?) COD aircraft

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Very good.

They are now placing a model on the carrier simulation at Wuhan.

I wonder f they have designed it to be able to get off the deck of the CV-16 and CV-17? That would be a tremendous development for the Chinese if they have.

Otherwise it is surely planned for CV-18.


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I wonder f they have designed it to be able to get off the deck of the CV-16 and CV-17? That would be a tremendous development for the Chinese if they have.

If KJ-600 ever operates from CV-16 or -17 I think it will be because those vessels have been fitted with catapults as part of a major mid-life overhaul.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
At 30knots full head wind from the waist position they should be able to take of KJ-600 surely

Where is that graph that showed each take off position with total take weight vs knots ?


If KJ-600 ever operates from CV-16 or -17 I think it will be because those vessels have been fitted with catapults as part of a major mid-life overhaul.
A turboprop aircraft like this will have a good acceleration at low air speed. With the long take off run and ski ramp and a good wind over deck take off will likely not be a problem. I even read that Northrop-Grumman has told the Indian Navy that its E-2D could take off from Vikramaditya which is smaller than Liaoning.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Off the top of my head what was the length of the waist position take off point ? 200metres ?

KJ-600 at 30 tons can take off sure