Kissinger: Conflict with China not an option


Abcdweller said:
I'm baffled at the attitude of this forum. First of all where do all these english speaking chinese nationalists come from? Hong kong?
Most of the chinese members are in western nations.
It seems like this site was set up by a british guy. I'm not exactly sure who would be interested in these details of the chinese military except for government professionals, and I hardly think they need a public website for it.

You guys seem to be debating some strange topics. Of course India wants to develop its economy. Of course countries like Australia, etc. want to avoid conflict between the US and China. Of course Kissinger is known to be a China dove from his days in the Nixon administration. At the same time of course he is an American and when he speaks publicly does so under the assumption of the American interest. I don't see why these things generate such heated debate.

And I dont' see whats wrong with calling a zionist a zionist, but I've seen no evidence that kissinger is a zionist. He's not exceptionally outspoken on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Then you are wrong. There are half of the members here who are westerns with interest in Chinese military.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
I'm baffled at the attitude of this forum. First of all where do all these english speaking chinese nationalists come from? Hong kong?

It seems like this site was set up by a british guy. I'm not exactly sure who would be interested in these details of the chinese military except for government professionals, and I hardly think they need a public website for it.

It seems that your depute to our forum has started with wrong feet...

You see this is chinese military forum, subsite for the to talk about chinese military matters, mostly technologial subjects, but also strategical issues like this one. I hardly see it anyway odd. I'm finnish, nothing to do with china in my herritage, but i still found chinese military matters highly interresting so does many of our members who come form Germany, USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, France, Russia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and from many other places around the wolrd.
Perhaps you are in a wrong forum, at least i wonder why someone would join us if he isen't anyway interessed of military matters? This isen't a forum for all kind of chitchat, and most importantly, this ISEN'T a forum for pointless political depates and discussions. If you are interested of those matters, i recomend that you join to the Globaltalk network, a link is provided in the main site.

But i hope you learn to understand our forum and appriciate it and provide your own toughts about chinese military matters:china:

Gollevainen, speaking on the voice of forum leaders.


VIP Professional
I was here during the old site.. but haven't be back here for a while......
My family from Hong Kong and am living there now too but... but I grew up in Australia.

I hear all these American Politicans accusing CHina of being responsible for the trade-related pressure bearing down on struggling U.S. Workers and record high trade deficit. But the Chinese should not be the one to be blamed cos it
the federal budget deficit, which accounted for the bulk of the recent natinal saving is made by Washington, not Bejing. The Negative personal saving rate is an outgrowth of proconsumption tax policies again, made in Washington.
However, washington being an expert in the Blame Games allows it to duck responsiblity for the very problems it has created and put all the blame on Chinese Pinned currency, or so-called Chinese market dumping and Chinese unfair trade. Illustrating, Bejing as the american enemy and the roots of american problem and some time even the roots of the world problem

But not back to reality it is in fact Washington interst dat the Chinese economic keep on growing and the Chinese currency kept low.

Any way i post this on any other form b4, but I'll pull it agian here

The america's net national saving rate fell into negative territory in later 2005, at minus 1.2 percent of the national income. This means the US doesn;t save enough even to cover the replacement of worn-out plants and equipment. The frist for any hegemonic power over a much longer span if world history. Faced with a shortfall of domestic saving, countries can curtail economic growth or blorrow from the rest of the world. The frist option just doesn;t cut in the land of abundance. That leave the second option: borrowing. So America must run a massice current-account deficit to attract the foreign capital it needs to fund economic growth and now closing in on $800B per or about $3B er business day, up for $2B 2 years ago. That where China fit into America equation, thank to China, the US got a rather extraordinary deal for its trade-deficit dollar in 2005, a net balance of some $200B in low-cost, high-quality Chinese made goods that enlarged the purchasing power of American consumers. Therefore if any saction, high tariffs or a major Chinese currency revaluation who greatly impact the US economics as a whole. The absent of China's supply line the trade deficit wouldn't shrink, but instead who merely gravitate toward other foerign producters, which most likily dun enjoy China's low-cost and pricing advantages, therefore increasing US foregin debt.

China never really been a world problem, It just the armerica trying to have some one to blame all it problem.

China economics can do more good then bad to the world, and there is really no reason for the Chinese military to start a wars with anyone, unless taiwan problem.

Is the Chinese military build up really a problem for the world I mean it just a ncrease of 14.7% at 283.8 billion yuan (about US$35.1 billion) or about 1.something of it GDP, the United States defense budget US$401.7 billion or 3.6% of its GDP in 2005.

I mean the US has population of about 296M and China has a population of 1.3B. $35B isn't much and it need to protect 1.3B people.
The US souldn't be saiding anything till China start having defense budget $1600B but i dun thing that will ever happen. But I am just trying to point the chinese should be able to protect themself with out US trying to illustrating them as trying to control the world or something.

Conflict with China economically or military is really not an option, cos it like a two sided needle can in anyway and even if they won the economic consequences would be unbearable even for the mightly USA.

Any know the cost of the Iraq war, think about the cost of a China war and the collapse the world enocomic engine, in the end it really does no good for anyone.
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