I am also in the middle of building trumpeter's 1/350 Pyotr Veliky, although the project has languished for a while.
Chuck, I can see why it has languished.
In order to change the hull and other areas to make it right, you are talking about a pretty major remake on what Trumpter provides. There are other areas on the deck layout that are also not correct.
I have found with these vessels, that you can either be a real stickler, and then almost constantly be in research and build mold...and some people really, really like doing just that, and more power to them...or, you can accept what is there, make some modest changes and improvements, and get on with the task to give as best a representation as you can within your own time and project constraints.
I clearly fall into the latter category.
These vessels (as you say) were each somewhat different out of the chute, even though they were in the same class. That is not unusual for the Russian Navy. Then, for the Petr Velikiy specifically, it languished for years after launch because of the fall of th Soviet Union with very piecemeal work until finally being finished ten years later.
Now, almost every time it goes out to sea for any length of time, they tweak the thing when it comes back to port so it is almost impossible to keep up with it exaclty in terms of the specific equipment and arrangements on deck.
Here's another individual's great build that I was watching that I thought was doing an excellent job:
He started in October 2011, and his last post was in March 2012, but never finished his documentation. But he was clearly doing a fine job of documenting his work and the changes. Here are some of the changes he documented, and how they were turning out:
Nice stuff.
Me? I am in the process
for all of the world's major maritime powers who operate such groups...including the escorts. So I have a lot of work to do. As such, I am happy to let some of the more intricate details slide as I go about doing that. For example, my US group is centered on the USS Enterprise, CVN-65, and the UK group is centered on the HMS Invincible, R05. Well, now the Enterprise is decommissioned, and the Invincible is an LHA, and soon to be decommissioned sincve I finished those carriers.
When I finish the Russian group, do as much of the Brazilian group as I can (I have the Foch which I will build as the Sao Paulo (I have also obtained an air wing of 1/350 scale A-4s and some S-2 Trackers), and then go back and flesh out the rest of the escorts for the UK, French and Japanese groups I have already started...I hope by then that a Ford class and a QE class carrier are available in 1/350 scale to update my US and UK groups with.
Anyhow, thanks for the input, and good luck with your build. Please document it here for us to take a look at. I am sure it will be very well done and very meticulous. I would suggest
for railings and sensors.