Take this info as you like:
1. Switch to CN eng:RD-93 or variants, can switch to CN if RU supply issues.
2. PL-15Es integrated to Block 3s. Earlier variants, not disclosed.
3. Dual Rack PL-15Es: Not disclosed
4. Upg of Is and IIs to partial III - Not priority, too much re-engineering, not worth.
5. Block IVs: Not in pipeline, see below.
6. PFX: Bigger better Block III +
7. HMD for Jeffs: Super expensive, $1m+,
Both #2 and #3 are not likely at all. China has restricted the integration of PL-15Es on JF17 as it does not want it to canablise the sales of J10CE's. That is one of the main reasons why PAF is looking at PFX as it wants a full ( not exported restricted ) PL-15 class missile on the JF17.
PFX is not defined at all right now, it will be just a group of work to explore what is possible to develop effecively in Pakistan. The scope of PFX will be defined(reduced) to what is possible, regardless of the statement of intent from various officials who dont know better. Pakistan has no ability to design a jet airframe, or develop a corresponding FCS, and validate that airframe ( it does not have a jet class wind tunnel for example). Pakistan has some some stable drones/UAVs, maybe close in capability to design and deliver Mushshak class replacement in Pakistan(though for that it needs time to have a different set of kinetics experience on an airframe that can do a lot more than a drone). Logically the next step for Pakistan should be a Mushshak class replacment, followed then by a K8 replacement before attempting a fighter jet. A stepwise progressive increment build of capability and associated infrastructure. This is the approach that Turkey took to get to where it is now.
PFX will end up as a 100% locally manufactured JF17C airframe, with imported Chinese(WS-19 if Pakistan is lucky..) or Russia engines and local avionics, radar and EW systems with its own PL15 class FAAZ BVR missiles.
IDEAS 2024 has shown some excellent progress in AESA based radars, UAVs, cruise/ballistic missiles and EW systems. Pakistan is growing and the statement of intent is there, though if they have enough money to pull that off is unlikey..
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