Hey I remember 2003 well and remember people saying this would ever fly
I Have been a life long follower of JF17
probably around 2001 or 2002 around the time I left high school I have seen all of them come and go
now it’s 2020 and JF17 Block III has come and JF17B along with exports
Bro, I was a moderator on the original PDF board back then (the board that existed BEFORE the current iteration of it.) I was more involved in the these antics probably more than any of the PDF 'fanboys' here when I was in High School.
But we're not in High School anymore, are we? And yet PDF is the same today like it was when I was in High School. It was a joke back then, and it's a joke today, 20 years later.
Do you know why? Because members of PDF fail to realize that the people who were saying the JF-17 will "never fly" and those talking about "stealth JF-17s" are both
equally unreliable. Both have been proven equally wrong. So why is the latter given more credibility than the former? Neither have any credibility and their 'sources' are garbage.
Since you are still on PDF, instead of this 'let us enjoy' attitude, please hold the nonsense-artists there responsible for spreading BS, so that they don't repeat the same cycle over again for the next project. Bring some actual accountability into the mix for a change. Otherwise, we will be having this exact same conversation 20 years from now.