Ashbringer_NEU, the Chinese and Pakistanis who designed this aircraft and have matched it with various weapons know what they are about.
This is not some sophomoric, first at bat exercise for either country.
If they mount the weapon on an aircraft in operation, it is because they have done exhaustive operational testing beforehand of all possible scenarios. And it is because they had in mind those very weapons as they designed the aircraft.
The clearances for the weapons, given their attachments on pylons have all been worked out long before.
Sometimes, particularly on the internet, people who are not aware of how these things are designed, developed, and implemented, and all that goes into that process, see a picture at oblique angles and jump to conclusions.
Here on SD we pride ourselves in trying hard to be a little more thoughtful than that.
The people designing these things really do not forget such obvious stuff.
If you have what is clearly a nubie question or it in the "Ask Anything Thread," and get it answered there first before bringing it to the main line threads.
The posts about these flaps are all being moved there. If you are looking for your posts regarding this...or want to discuss it so there.
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