Yes, the first pair were just dummies for aerodynamic and flight profile testing to verify that the plane can fly with the missile. This looks more like a different dummy for separation testing. They will only move onto live rounds after they have done a few dry runs with dummies to make sure the missile can separate as expected after release.
It could be a live round, but I doubt it since we have seen pictures of 06 landing with the two blue dummies, so they have not done a separation test afaik, which would make going straight to a live round a bit risky if not reckless.
Besides, there would be little reason to also carry an inert dummy for a live test. My guess is they are killing two birds with one stone with this test.
Stage 1 is the separation testing, and stage 2 is flight testing the plane with a single missile in an uneven load configuration.
After this test, if all goes as planned, they can move onto live firings, but I would expect them to only be going up with a single live missile for the first few launches.
It is also interesting that the JF17 flight test programme is progressing without delay despite the tragic crash in Pakistan.
It would not have been uncommon for all planes to be grounded until after an investigation has established the cause of the crash and have all remaining planes checked for similar problems if there was some sort of mechanical problem that caused the crash.
That makes me think either the PAF has a pretty good idea of what caused it (there were rumors that the crashed plane lost power some time before it crashed, and the pilot stayed with the bird trying to glide it back to base), or they are on a very tight schedule and decided to take the risk.
BTW, has anyone heard if the PAF JF17 fleet has been grounded or not pending the conclusion of the crash investigation? Or are they flying as normal?