A little OT:I think that CNBC article is tremendously short-sighted. Even though it's true that it'll be a while before Saudi Arabia can break dependence on the US, who says China is the automatic next "go to" country for Saudi Arabia to hitch a ride on? China wants a multi-polar world not to be the replacement of the US that you always hear American think what is China's goal around the world. If anything countries should learn from the US experience of wanting to be the policeman of the world. Why is this US-Saudi "split" after decades of close relations even being discussed if it weren't for the Saudis seeing themselves left out in the cold by US foreign policy? Why would China want to be the next US when it comes to policing the world after seeing how long held relations can be frayed by balancing allied interests with your own? Why would China want the headache of making all those promises Americans make to every country that they can't keep because every one of them have their own interests and they're bound to conflict?
If the JF-17 talks are true, what more of a symbol of where Saudi Arabia is heading. A Chinese designed aircraft built by Pakistan with European avionics. Where's the US in that equation? That's the stop-gap measure on the road to being an independent power. The Syrian situation just showed Saudi Arabia can't rely on the US. Why would they want that relation with China? China will probably be very happy to see Saudi Arabia become an independent power.
And why is the American oil-shale revolution always used a some sort of taunt to the world? So what! American oil independence doesn't eliminate oil as a strategic resource. If you go by the scenario of the taunting, oil prices drop meaning that's good for China. If China is the largest consumer of oil and Saudi Arabia's biggest customer, the money keeps flowing and China's influence grows.
The US will still want their hands on the oil supplies of other countries, not just China but also Japan, India, South Korea, as well as Europe. And they still want to supply KSA and other Middle Eastern countries with weapons and instructors.