do I lied to you when I posted the picture of Z-9W,proving the existence of the helos back in 2001?
most of info in fact come from this website,some are 6~5 years old.
I am surprise you do not remember it.
this forum doesn't go back to 2001. Majority of things you post are from wforums, which is junk.
Which was what that interview claimed, that it was mainly for Erieye integration.
... which was exactly what that interview claimed. That JF-17 impressed.
Anyway, like I said, that Chinese pilots appear more conservative is hardly a Pakistani-only complaint. There may be all sorts of reason why this is so, but at the end of the day, it is so.
I have no clue where you got your sources. I can tell you that I frequent Chinese forums on daily basis and have not seen any reports of PAF massively wowing the crowd. That's not to say that it didn't happen, but I have no clue where you got your sources from.
And you'll do well to treat pretty much the only friend you have in the entire world better and refrain from words like 'beg' and cheap insinuations.
do you want me to list the list of nations that are friends with China.
It's such words and attitudes that makes the Chinese nation so universally admired and loved in its neighbourhood.
China has good relations with much of the south east asia actually. Thailand, Phillipines, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia. You seem to have bitter feelings toward that. I wonder why.
Anyway, stop slinging these cheap shots, considering how much China had to beg and steal from Russia before she begins to do things on their own, it smacks of chucking bricks in glass houses.
Anyway, let's look at the goddam quote again before getting all prickly:
China has a lot to thankful toward the Russians. Without the Russians, China would not have anywhere near the military industrial complex it has right now. China took what it could from the Russians and the Russians also gained from being kept afloat during that time. Now, if you start using words like steal, then we can have a discussion about that. I never get tired of such discussions.
But let's just say that China no longer needs Russia. Several of its military projects will suffer delays without Russian help, but nothing will get crippled. On the other hand, it seems like Chinese-Pakistanis cooperation only seem to get stronger now that Chinese military hardware is finally up to par.
Hannan's comments are all pretty fair and factual. Notice he mostly stated facts, the one comment that can be taken amiss was a quote reported from a Sherdil pilot. You know, demonstration team pilots, that happy class of men well known for their humility and repose, even amongst fighter pilots, who are known far and wide for their becoming and self-effacing modesty, blushing violets to a man.
And you know this, and yet somehow you generalised that to the whole PAF. Something is uncalled for, all right, and it's not just from the Sherdil pilot.
We don't know that he is stating fact. He apparently wrote a lot of stuff that are music to the ears of Pakistani posters and they have accepted these stuff as truth. All I know is that he is some dude that posts on pakdef.
btw, I do realize that this kind of topic could turn into a heated arguments between Pakistani and Chinese posters. So, just that you guys know, try to keep it calm. Let's just say JF-17 thread has been forced to be locked many times before.