Re: Jef Head's 2013 Report on the PLAN
Jeff – we all still remember the WMD in Iraq propaganda of CIA.
What propoganda?
1st, we know that Iraq had WMDs, they used them on their own people and in the Iraq-Iran War.
In terms of nuclear research, we know they were doing that too.
In terms of having a nuclear weapon, or almost having one, virtually every western intelligence agency and other non western ones said the same things. Apparently, they were wrong. Or, Sadam had enough time to dispose of whatever he had. I think it was probably both. He probably had more than we found, but he didn't have as much as we thought.
That does not mean they were lieing. No more than when you or I are wrong on something that we have honest opinions about...even if we base those opinions on the best available information.
It happens, even in the intelligence communities. But again, I will say that they get things right much more often than they get things wrong.
You can either believe that or's up to you. But whatever you believe, try to base it on much more than what the press or politicians say...because they too have been proven, time and again, to have their own agendas. And many times those agendas get confused whith what is going on with the professionals who are actually in the intelligence community trying to do their job.
Anyhow, time will tell well enough regarding my own obesevations, which I feel are pretty modest in any case as far as the great issues of the day go. There's no need for poster to come on here and try and either discredit or be uncivil. I have made it plain all along that this is what I think, based on the finormation and sources I have explained...not what is fact, or absolute sure knowledge of something like the Type 095.