I believe both are armed the same with:oops, I thought I had seen an image of the Kaga with a Sea RAM in the bow before posting
Thursday at 6:44 PM
but I'm unable to find now what I saw then LOL (probably was some CGI) and I of course have to acknowledge I got a good answer for a wrong reason LOL!
1 x Phalanx 20mm CIWS on the aft starboard quarter
1 x SeaRAM on the aft Port quarter
1 x Phalanx 20mm CIWS on the Starboard Bow
1 x SeaRAM on the starboard, amidships ahead of the island

I personally wish they had that PLUS the 8 cells loaded with quad packed ESSMs like the Hyuga class has. That would add 32 medium ranged anti-air missiles in addition to the other CIWS defenses.