Yes 1982 migth be bit 'dated', yes...but lets see...I havent got any 'own' reference book to soviet aviation, which i feel bit shame and I will buy one when I get to be rich enginerr and so on...I only have few pretty good overal encyclopedias to military aviation, biggest and heyvest beeing Blitz editions Encyclopedia to World aircrafts whit 929 pages and size of three ' bricks'
Ofcourse good start migth be Squardon/singal publications nice little flat books from all the basic soviet planes e.q older MiGs, Hind, Tu-16s, Sukhois migth not feel geniuos after reading them, but it gives you a good help to regonice the main variants of these basic types.
But i cannot remember names of those older books I used to borrow from local libaryes and Like i said, i havent got any newer ones, But if you go to and paste a search word of soviet military aircrafts, i think you can find something intresting.
I usually drawls after Russian sites about those Russian books....expecially those naval books, but would you send you credit card to them and wait the shipment...??