People on one hand wonder why China has no influence in the Western media, why the West believes the most outrageous lies about China, and on the other say things like this.
If you don't defend your reputation, why should people take you seriously?
If you waste resources on unnecessary uphill battles that's clearly set up as a trap, you are a fool. Western Media had their dominance as a result of their material and military success. China does not have a global media supremacy like the US, nor does she requires such in order to rise. Right now, it's better for China to concentrate her energy in material development. Once you have the muscles, once your punch become deadly, you voice will be heard.
Media is also a double edge sword. If the Western Media keep on brainwashing their own audience with unsubstantiated lies just to hurt China's image, it will only end up hurting themselves. The power of the Media lies in its ability to speak the truth. Truth does set you free, because it gives you a solid foundation to make decision which you can predict the results thereof with a high level of confidence. Even propaganda has fundamental truth as their ground. Just look the Indians, if they blindly believe in the false Indian propaganda and think that they can easily defeat China, their people will drive their government into a war they can't win. That's an example showing the importance of truth-based media.
However, it is also true that the power of a nation also lies in how confident its people feel about the nation. For example, the US propaganda machine was in full throttle during WW2, telling people total lies like how "the G34 and G42 machine guns are all bark and no bites", like how "the Japanese kamikaze attacks are useless", all of these might technically be lies. But their motives are based on one important truth: if such propaganda could give the American people and the Allies more confidence to remain fighting, it will lead them to victory and help them overcome the Axis. So, in this sense, telling the people on your side that the enemy they are facing can be easily overcome, could consolidate the resolve on your side to continue the fight, which eventually will lead to victory.