J-20 5th Generation Fighter VII

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VIP Professional
j20 sized.jpg
Here's a quick comparison. The reason I used the original prototype is only because it was among the first available with a fairly similar perspective. But I'd wager that main layout and size is still the same for both 2001 and 2011 series prototypes.

Basically the same layout, as far as this blurry image can offer. But somewhat longer canopy is visible, as well as a longer hump behind the cockpit. Whether the hump is large enough to house just as much fuel as in the original is anyone's guess.

Also, it is quite evident that the hi res image a few posts above is fake because the canopy there is one piece. Where we clearly see that the actual two seater prototype has yellow frame in between what look to be two pieces of the canopy.


Registered Member
WS-15? Is that even a thing yet?
It seems to be an unofficial thing. WS-15 has, by some, made an entrance in June ( as huitong updates in that good blog ) though being paired with a WS-10/AL-31 series.

If this guy is proven right then that means that the engine (test) of June was a success and China has decided to go all the way. If the engines continue their success streak then WS-15 has indeed become a reality.

What I find odd though is he claiming Y-20 used WS-18. It ought to be WS-20. In fact, I'd like to know why he thinks its "definitely" not WS-20.


It’s just the pastel like filter they put on the image. Washes out sharp edges.
In retrospect, it may not be a filter. Could just be really poor image quality. The image quality (and presumably the video it was cut from) looks a lot like something caught with a telescopic lens on a smartphone at max zoom.
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