Well in this scenario you propose, the fighter has already popped up on radar or the enemy already has visual contact.... So there wouldn't be a need for stealth now would there? Might I add that the J-20 is a stealth fighter, and any variant built off the J-20 would be hoping to utilize it's stealth features?
If stealth is thrown out of the way, well then a non-stealthy J-16 which has twelve hardpoints already has the ability to launch "a ridiculous sum" of bombs to strike ground targets. Similarly the J-11 with it's ten hardpoints has plenty of AAM missile capacity, which is way more than the 2x Sidewinders/2x ARAAMs or 4x AMRAAMs that the F-35 carries in it's internal weapons bay without external hardpoints if it wants to keep it's stealth features. In essence the PLAAF already has the very aircraft you've described, and so I really don't see the need to "strikify" the J-20.
Even if the PLA wanted a strike J-20 variant, the existing J-20 would require a much larger internal weapons bay, which in turn calls for a significantly larger aircraft that's practically unrecognizable from the J-20... You might as well start on a blank slate and make a completely new plane, which is pretty much what the PLA have decided to do with the H-20. For your arguments sake, the PLA have seemingly given up on the JH-XX concept anyway, especially as the increased fielding of the J-16 will see it supplant (dare I say supercede, especially with it's ability to self-escort) the JH-7's striking mission capabilities in the PLAAF's air tasking order.
Aided with AWACs and ground radars, the J-20 absolutely has the ability to counter stealthy F-35s with PL-15s. With the WS-15 unlocking the ability to supercruise, the J-20 will become a BVR beast - I'm not a least bit worried about the PLA's ability to fend off F-35s.
Stop dream about laser technology on jets yet, the fact that any laser weapon, including DIRCM or the laser attack pod
@siegecrossbow mentioned before, are all soft kill and all demonstration level and will stay at that level for a long time. Laser hard kill technologies are NOwhere close to practical use in any real-world scenario before the next-gen energy storage technology, for example, new battery technology, comes out. The fact that the previous B747 laser weapon test failed and the project got abandoned is due to this reason, something like fire two rounds laser before another 45 mins battery recharge. Plus battery is a super heavy dead weight, I don't think any jet designer loves it.
For micromissile, if it is designed to perform the missile intercept, then why it's possible for the US to use it on F-22, but not a similar product designed by China then put on J-20...
Honestly speaking I think the most practical technology for aircraft missile intercept to develop, is based on something like the active defense system which is used on tanks, like the one on ZTQ-15. This is a much cheaper, much lighter, and much simpler, and straightforward solution for the current human technology level.
Beginning to introduce 6th gen in early 2030s is exactly what I was thinking of and I think that is fine.
J-20 production continuing between now and ending in the early 2030s, and J-XY/FC-31 variant production starting between 2025 to the mid/late 2030s, and 6th generation production from 2030 onwards, in conjunction with other friendly aerial developments and platforms in UAVs, weapons, EW, bomber, and land based long range strike systems should be capable of maintaining a sufficient balance in relevant air power.
They won't ever have the same number of 5th gen fighters as the combined potential opponents in the region, but they can have enough relevant capabilities to make the difference in effective net air power close or even in their favour if they are capable of exploiting geography for the purpose of offensive long range strike systems.
As for strike capability; the J-20 itself has 6 internal hardpoints and 2-4 external hardpoints, for 10 total hardpoints + the ability to go stealth if needed.
Modifying it for strike is going to be substantial, unfortunately, and will require enlarging the plane to an extent, but the Su-57 arrangement where a weapons bay sits between the engines
The J-11's problem is that despite having lots of external hardpoints, it's still not an F-15EX (can carry 22 missiles). A heavier strike J-16 might be a solution, or you could just go with a strike 5th generation. You have to remember that by definition, a strike fighter is capable of air superiority missions and a J-16 is obsolete for that role.
Re: stannislas: I'm talking 2027 timeframe, by which laser technology could have come a long way. If the PLAAF goes with the laser pod approach, we might be looking at a baseline of 4 km range (linear scaling).
As for the F-22, the F-22 can carry the same missile payload as a F-35, despite costing a lot more. The J-20 can likewise carry the same missile payload as a F-35, but it's still a heavier platform at the very least and likely a more expensive platform, especially if the RMB continues to appreciate (around 5% so far this year).
@Bltizo The problem is on what timeline will American 6th gens be ready? The American 6th gens seem oriented at extreme stealth and likely laser capability. If American 6th gens see mass production in the early 2030s with LRIP in the late 2020s, China will want better 5th gens to minimize the 6th generation advantage. NGAD, for instance, reputedly took its first flight this year, and if it's following a F-35 / J-20-type production schedule, you'll see mass production in the early 2030s.
From rumors given, it seems to be a XLO platform with possible lasers, which is still counterable by lasers + a micromissile set-up.
Moreover, this is WHY Chengdu seems to be talking about a strike J-20. An air superiority platform like the the F-22 or J-20 ends up getting relegated to an interceptor role once it's obsolete, A strike J-20, on the other hand, continues to be useful for strike even when it's no longer guaranteed to be effect in an air superiority role. The F-15, notably, had a good after-life as a strike fighter in its strike incarnations.