Now this is bone chilling, especially when you combine these deployment with open source showing recent deployments/movements near Taiwan Strait. Seems like a Taiwan scenario at the end of this year or beginning of next year could become real. It makes sick to think war is coming, and that everything we have seen in 2020 so far is not the end of all the nightmares.
well, tell Trump and his acolytes, especially Pottinger stop encouraging DPP to move toward independence then.
The problem is that even if Washington tells DPP to stop, the DPP just does not listen because the DPP believes that Washington would always back them should push comes to shove. Just look at Chen Shuibien's administration in 2007. Now the J-20s are in Taiwan doorstep...
I like to think these deployments and movements only serve China's anti-access area denial strategy. I highly doubt Taiwan has the financial means or resources (without steep Western backing or interference) to continuously scramble planes and qualified military personnel in order to match the increasing pace of the PLA's patrol of the Taiwan Strait. We'll keep flying Y-9s and all sorts of ASW/EW aircraft we want through your "ADIZ", good luck keeping up without going broke. We don't actually have to destroy the enemy to deny access, we just need to make it challenging for the enemy to traverse said area in order to gain area denial.
The show of force will make it challenging for the US and its allies to justify escalating the South China Sea into a full blown conflict without risking the massive lose of American lives and expensive assets. If it is war that they want, well then China isn't just another Iraq, Libya, or Syria. I'm sure seeing these satellite photos would make anyone at the State Department and the Pentagon think twice if they think they could simply spin up an expeditionary air wing off the coast of China without being shot down by squadrons of J-20s BVR stealth style, or risk their carrier strike groups being sunk by DF-21s. It might even move the Americans to decrease (and ideally withdraw) their military presence in the South China Sea as well as the Pacific. In an ideal world (which of course it is not), China won't have to fire a shot to win over Taiwan. The military show of force buys China time to reunify through diplomatic means.
Anyways I'm probably drifting from the thread, let's stick to discussing the J-20