Here it is, the J-20 Stealth Strike Fighter. I must admit this was tough to do, as seen it's as not smooth as I wanted it to be.Now, I'm seriously asking for too much here; a tailfinless J-20 is something I've wanted to see for ages, but...
Say the engines get moved to where the rear ECM housing is right now. Extend the wings slightly to the rear to connect into the former ECM housing. Add a triangle for ECM between the current engines.
That'd basically be my "strike J-20", i.e, a J-20 with enough weapons bay capacity to carry both heavy interception missiles like the PL-21 as well as ALBMs in the Kinzhal or DF-21D class.
Engines farther apart hypothetically had made more space for belly weapon's bay area.. Possible set backs, due to engine repositioning the Y-duct intake is gone, the starboard PL-10 missile bay probably shrunk if not eliminated and must be put into somewhere else. Also If this is to be a strike fighter variant, this jet should be dual seater. This configuration reminds of F-14 because of the big rear gap..