J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VIII


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I actually have the same issue and IMO Foolsball is often one of the best sources for news!
Mind I suggest maybe screenshot his tweets and post them with your replies? With his permission of course.

Edit: Incidentally I am also following him on Twitter/X, which allows me to see his tweets. For those that didn't know, he'll have to agree(to your follow request)for you to be able to follow him.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Sorry, who? Foolsball, that one twitter guy? His posts are always hidden, can't figure out what his content is like.
He went private dunno how long ago.

Had a run-in with him ages ago about whether or not the J-35 would enter service simultaneously with the Fujian and he blocked me after.

@Deino, just a little suggestion. When you quote him you chould screenshot said tweet and post the screenshot.

Mind I suggest maybe screenshot his tweets and post them with your replies? With his permission of course.
Dang, you beat me to it.


Junior Member
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I think we can't see his posts unless we follow him.
You have to have been following him before he locked, or you have to send a follow request and he has to approve the request. He approved mine I do not know when but looks like he will approve if you send him a request. In the meantime, screenshots for people who don't have twitter or aren't approved/don't follow is a good solution.