It is the same principle of discrete representation of analog signal (DC conversion). The minimum digitalization sampling rate is twise the maximum component frequency of the analog signal. Since analog signals bandwidth is infinite in theory, the digitalization sampling rate should be infinite too, but in practical terms we take the highest frequency whose power is detectable as the max, therefor we have a minimum sampling rate. If HW allows, the higher the rate the better, which push the high end boundry further. Here a signal is a function of time.
This principle is universal beyond signal processing. To faithfully represent a spetial object, just replace time with distance, everything else is the same.
The principle is that a discrete representation of a continious curve can be achieved faithfully (without loss of information) by series of discrete sampling points if the sampling frequency (in time or space) is two times of or higher than the component "frequency" of the continious curve (over period of time or distance).
This sounds more like i have to increase the "sampling rate" by reducing the angle. Currently i take sample in my simulation every 3 degrees. Maybe i can try 0.02 deg but. Statistics will reduce the data.