You're partly right, the "distant coupled/long throw canards" are the key to Dr. Songs strategy to increase the "pitch rate", since he would not have access to "thrust vectoring engines". So he/they designed the J-20 with those distant coupled canard's in order to increase the "pitch rate" of the aft mounted delta wing J-20. You're right, in a normal flight around the patch, even during heavy maneuvering those canards never approach the limit of their "throw".
The theory and practice is that in a turning fight, at some point as speed and energy are depleted and the limits of thrust and lift are crossed the aircraft will "depart" or stall. As that happens in previous generation aircraft, the aircraft then "departs" from sufficient lift and controlled flight, "pitching the nose down", and ending the fight. Those "long throw" canards allow you to "maintain" that very high alpha and "point your nose" at the bogey and launch weapons as you continue to "turn inside" of him.
Those long throw canard's and under wing "ventral strakes" are the key to the J-20's post stall maneuverability,, while many did not/do not, like those "ventral strakes", they are the key to maintaining longitudinal stability post stall.. they will not go away as long as "super maneuverability", and post stall maneuvering remain a high priority of the J-20 program.
They could conceivably be replaced by "thrust vectoring", note the Su-57 has very small vertical stabilizers, but I rather doubt Chengdu would want to go back and start from scratch on the FCS..
As to your second point, in fact an informed or interested observer can determine a great deal from a picture or video, bdpopeye, Jeff Head, and Deino are able to determine a great deal from a photo or video? that's why the PRC restricts the release of un-authorized photo's or video's, right?
As the previous poster alluded, one thing "fighter wonks" track is degrees of turn per second, for instance if the J-20 completed a 360 degree turn in 15 seconds, we could conclude a 24 degree per second turn "rate", so in theory you can have a very good idea of terminal performance.