Henri K take on maiden flight of J 20 with WS10XX engine
A historic moment 6 years after the first flight of 2001
When the J-20 flies with Chinese engines
, the new prototype of the Chinese
J-20 VLO fighter aircraft successfully completed its maiden flight on Tuesday, September 19th in Chengdu, after a series of rolling tests at ground.
A new page is thus turned for the program 718, which sees arriving its first J 20 Jet equipped with Chinese engine. Because all the J-20 products to date, including the two technological demonstrators (2001 and 2002), the six prototypes (2011 to 2017) and the first six series aircraft (78271 to 78276) Russian family
AL-31FN (Serie 3?).
An unpleasant situation certainly for the Chinese army which places the acquisition of its autonomy before anything else, but still mandatory because the Chinese products were not yet at the level of maturity expected so far.
The 7th prototype of J-20, registered 2021, during its last test run of September 18, 2017 (Photos: 方 的 馒头)
This 7th prototype of J-20, registered 2021, took off from the Factory 132 CAC airport at 12:50 local time. He made two passes at low altitude at 13:08 and 13:13, before settling around 13:17.
This inaugural flight with the Chinese engines took 27 minutes, a total of 9 minutes longer than the 2001 aircraft, the first J-20 technology demonstrator, which took place on January 11, 2011. 7 years.
The sketch of the WS-10-T2 (?) Engine made by a Chinese spotter (Image: 铁 背心)
For the moment there are no photos on this almost historic flight, but one of the spotters who attended the event, "on the other side of the wall", was able to make a sketch on the shape serrated from the engine nozzle.
This diagram remains in conformity with the cliché of these engines taken at the beginning of the month, when the fairing of the engines had not yet totally installed.
As for the exact version of the WS-10 used and its associated performance, no open source is yet capable of providing accurate data.
However, this is a new variant inherited from WS-10B (13,200 kg), while benefiting from improvements in the WS-10G (14,200 kg). of the blower and compressor structure.
Thus, an engine with a thrust of less than 14 tonnes in post-combustion, with a higher dilution rate than the future engines developed for the J-20, among others, including the
WS-15 known for a long time.
Henri K.