The post said "协作攀珠峰,全力助威龙", word to word "collaboration climb Qomolangma, Full force assist mighty dragon". This Qomolangma may simply represent the greatest challenge that the developers are facing, not necessarily mean the actual (producer) name.
The issue of your surprise are due to (
according to my understanding of Tibetan pinyin system introduced in 1979):
- The official (transcription) form of the mountain is Qomolangma in Lhasa dialect, according to the pinyin system 1979.
- (My understanding) Chomolungma is an alternative spelling probably used before the standardization in 1979,or may represents dialectal deviation. For example, both Q and Ch exist in the current spelling system represent slightly different sound. Same with ang and ung. See this wiki page
- Han (Chinese) is 珠穆朗玛峰. It is spelled as Zhumulangma. It is exact representation of Chinese characters' sound in (only) Mandarin dialect. It is a very close approximation of the Tibetan sounds. The closeness of the Mandarin approximation may confuse you, but that is just because the two languages are very close in sound system. To give you a reference, Han/Tibetan is as close as German and Dutch, closer than German and English.
- If the name is changed, it would be 珠峰 in Han (Chinese) script, or Qomolangma/Chomolungma in Latinized Tibetan publication, or ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ in Tibetan script.
At the end, I don't feel the name matters? Names are only used by either netizens (meaning nothing) or by producers (internally, semi-official at best). The official designation (used by the air force) will only be WS-15. At this moment, I think it is only netizens from cjdby over-interprets a photo.