Not sure if PS but its going on my desktop..
and mine as well usaf- thats a gorgeous shot of our girl, and if you lads check my old posts, I have speculated all along the 2001 as well a 2002 would have changed out engines several times, and as for calling the engines being used inferior, they are derated from what is desired, and as someone has alluded to as well, they are likely operated at the tops of the temp gauges, from my observation the J-20 gets off right smartly, it rotates and clears the ground nearly immediately, and gives NO indication of being underpowered at the current operating weights, so while I too am hoping we get the WS-15 up and running and have in fact predicted a post New Year upgrade. And to my best bud Mig 29, please don't start the length-weight ping pong contest again, it is pointless and you have been so much more succinct and stuck to the facts, lets keep this thread clean, Popeye works way to hard at his day job to have to play kindergarten cop on the playground! I did however post on OVT in the aerodynamics thread, I think there may be some warming of the Sino-Russo cooperation?AFB