Lieutenant General
That's an old photo of 2001...
Do you mean 2011? That's definitely not 2001. Look at the wider stings.
That's an old photo of 2001...
According to someone on cjdby they've recently resolved some vibration issues with the V tails and now the J-20 is pretty much finalized in outer form.
It does seem like security measures are keeping the unwanted away. Usually you'll see a lot of pics for 1st flight of new prototypes.[/URL]
Is this confirmed an image of '2012' ????
That buffeting is part of the design. You pay a price in a slightly higher drag. If your aircraft does provide that "service" you have to fit a stick shaker to warn the pilot he/she is approaching stall.... even the Cessna 172 that I learned to fly had a great deal of airframe buffeting proceeding the stall break, particularly the horizontal stab and elevator..
more pics
Do you mean 2011? That's definitely not 2001. Look at the wider stings.
J-20 Model from Zhuhai Airshow, 2000RMB, anybody want it?
The fact is that who controls the sea lanes in the Indian Ocean controls the oil routes and international transport highway for everything else. With J20 Pakistan (*China*) controls the most important area in the world. Surely the USA will try to control UAE/ KSA/ Qatar but in the end the double hull tankers will go through the area that China will control sooner or later with J20. Many posters keep using the Indian deep strike option for J20. I think that is ridiculous. The Indian Airforce is just numbers. Just like their Navy it is in deep troubles in every aspect. Pakistan and India share 2000 km direct border. The most important parts of both nations can be reached without a deep strike option. In a stupid way one can even explode a tactical nuke above the Himalaya and the rest of the Indians will have no clean water. India is no longer a threat but more seen as annoying arrogant but failed superpower. Even the USA is moving away slowly. They have seen how unreliable this nation is. One way they want to get cookies from the nuclear deal but the other way they have warpact with Iran. And yes, even jet engines that are not allowed to be sold to Iran are flowing through an Indian broker from India to Iran... Sooner or later that will hit the papers.
A bit bigger, but what's that spider-net alike structure / thing on the tails ???... 2011 did not feature this.