It seems 2002 has been moved to CFTE...
Do you have a source for that????? Not questioning your veracity at all escobar, its just that with all the moving back and forth, it is so hard to get a handle on this whole picture???? brat
It seems 2002 has been moved to CFTE...
As far as the depth goes, the bay must accommodate the hard-point mechanisms, missile fins, margins, plus the thickness of the bay doors. Any extra space for outsized air-to-ground ordinances is an illusion as the extra space is in fact not useable.
From what I read there was some bigwig at CAC. The 2002 took off and did a fly-by for the supposed bigwig. And then it left and never came back.
From what I read there was some bigwig at CAC. The 2002 took off and did a fly-by for the supposed bigwig. And then it left and never came back.
From what I read there was some bigwig at CAC. The 2002 took off and did a fly-by for the supposed bigwig. And then it left and never came back.
From what I read there was some bigwig at CAC. The 2002 took off and did a fly-by for the supposed bigwig. And then it left and never came back.
Maybe it switched to 100% stealth mode and after that it becomes invisible and that's why no one seen it!
Anyhow so how many prototypes do we have two or three? Is there one for static ground testing, I assume that would be the third one
Look at the 100% stealth mode on 2:49 - 3:13. No one knows it whereabout after flying off for that 50 odd seconds