It is even more complex. You learn what not to do now. But in fifteen or twenty years time in different technological and political circumstances it might become the thing to do. So don't learn the wrong lesson: it is always the thing not to do.
Not really delft.
You do not PLAN to do things over budget or outsied of schedule.
But you also do not let such things stop you...or cause you to stop trying to achieveto get ahead.
That is why the US and its research and development is so good...even kknowing that very difficult technologies are apt to cause over runs...they go about trying to achieve anyway. They know that the people, and that the customers will put up with itif, in the end, they make the beakthroughs and the achievements.
If the attitude is "never" fail, "never" go over budget, "never" slip the scheulde...then you will also never be the leadwer in technolgy and achevement.
So, as I certainly do not plan for it...and you try and hit the schedules and the budget forecasts from the start...but then you work hard and when there are slips you are open and honest about well as what the achievements will mean if you simply keep at it.
For example, the Ford classs carriers are going through a very steep development curve...both costs and schedules.
But the technologies are going to allow for those carriers to have over 1,000 less personnel on them. 1,000 people for fifty years means that all of the slippages and most of the carrier itself will be paid for through the savings...particularly when you factor in the less overhauls that those reactors are going to need.
The Virginia class subs are an example of a program that is not only hitting ts targets...but in numerous areas is exceeding them, even though they are bringing new technolgy to the table in the SSN area.
A lot of people love to hate the F-35. But the US eladership, including the new administration, are not chopping the numbers down like they did on the B-2 and the F-22 when they hit hard times. And so gess what? The costrs are coming down pretty drastically now. The F-35A is now below 100 million each and will get very near, in current dollars, to the price of a new, modernized F-16 that they are selling these days.
So...if you stick with it...there is pay back.
I expect CHina undestands this.
They have a big mountain to climb to catch up...but I will be you that once they do, you will not find them being skimpy on their new development as they seek to not only gain parity, but to lead in areas where they can.
...and when they do, they will realie that they are not wasting anything. In reality they are investing in things that are going to actually produce savings, and produce a more stable future for their nation...which means it will all be well worth it if that stability holds.