I just saw a long report from CNR about Zhang Chao, anyway, seems this CNR's original report has been deleted for some reason, but fortunately someone copied the entire report and pasted it on CJDBY.
The report is very long, it introduces Zhang Chao's flying experience, families, and details during and after the accident. Here are a part of the report about the accident details, please forgive my poor translation, my English is not very good.......
"央广网北京7月27日消息 现场视频和飞参数据清楚告诉我们,在飞机出现大仰角时,张超做出的第一反应竟是把操纵杆推到头,说明当时他的想法是保住飞机,却错过了跳伞最佳时机,雄鹰折翅,令人扼腕痛惜。
"From CNR, Beijing, July 27. The video and data tell us that after J-15 was in high angle, Zhang Chao's first activity was pushing the rod, it means that he was trying to save the plane, but he missed the best chance of ejection.
After Zhang Chao's ejection, his regiment commander Zhang Ye, stayed with him all the time, he clearly remembers Zhang Chao's last words: 'Sir, is it impossible for me to fly again?'
There are two details may tell us something. First, Commander Zhang Ye said that the pilot had ejected before he gave the order, if the pilot ejected after he received the order, even at the same time, considering the time of pulling ejection trigger and leaving the cockpit, he would not be able to eject out of the fighter. It proofs that the pilot reacted quickly, and he knew his J-15 completely, others would not do better than him. Second, according to regiment commander, in the accident, if Zhang Chao found the J-15 was not right
during landing run, and he ejected before fighter's nose risen up, he should survive or at most get hurt."
Here is the Link to the page of CJDBY forum:
So it seems like the J-15 has
landed to the ground?Or at least the fighter had touched the ground? But after that because of the flight control issue, the fighter risen its nose suddenly, the pilot was trying to save it but failed, so he ejected immediately without command, anyway it was still too late, he ejected when the fighter was almost vertical, that means he ejected at 0 degree, and the altitude may be only 20-30 meters. I think there was no chance for him to even open his parachute completely.
In this accident the pilot did not need to worry about hitting other people, I think the reason for him to save the plane first could be: 1. he wanted to save the plane so engineers from AVIC can found the reason of flight control failure, 2. he pushed the rod first subconsciously.