J-10 Thread IV


Lieutenant General
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Firstly to the moderators, apology for derailing the thread, but Bangladesh's J-10 Hurdles cannot be explained without looking at wider considerations

If only it were that simple. GDP is too simple a metric to compare us to Pakistan.

Geopolitcal considerations-

Bangladesh is much weaker and more geopolitically compromised than Pakistan. India surrounds us on three broders and our rivers flow through them and we are economically more tied to India than Pakistan is. We are also much more politically compromised by India than Paskitan is. We can't as easily purchase a jet than outclasses all Indian tier 2 planes and matches their Tier 1.

We are also more at the behest of the West than Pakistan is. WHile Pakistan might have a lot of US influence, they have nukes and mid east positions to trade and ply favour. Bangladesh has literally zero bargaining chips with the West, our economy is extremely dependent on the Western nations for exports. The West is also heavily pro India as far as subcontinental politics goes, so India has multiple ways of applying pressure.

Institutional Weakness of the military-

Our military institutions are not as strong as Pakistans and our services outside of the army has almost no political pull. The air force is the worst of the lot. It is by far the single most pathetic and corrupt military branch in South Asia. The air force brass loves doing evaluations and using tax paeyer money to take luxury trips abroad but wont actually buy anything.

Current Political Uncertainty-

The current govt is a caretaker government and does not have the legitimacy to pull of a major acquistion. I know a lot of people paint Hasina as an Indian lapdog, but ironically our best chance to get J-10s was under her rule. No other leader in our Country's history brought us closer to China than her. She played India and the other big powers masterfully. During the last so called elections, China openly expressed support for Hasina whent he west was calling the elections a sham, something China had never done before.

Over all I personally believe than Bangladesh buying the J-10 is inevitable. Our Airforce is barely held together and J-10 is the only logical solution. going forward. Our relation with China and our Airforce's experience with Chinese jets and our over all military import trend all point to eventual J-10 purchase. But the pessimist in me fears that it will take a long long time.

Can we stop this Bangladesh-related discussion here and continue it in the correct thread?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Can we stop this Bangladesh-related discussion here and continue it in the correct thread?
Yes, that last post covered pretty much every angle of a potential J-10 Purchase from Bangladesh from my pov, any further discussion on the matter will be done in an appropriate thread.


Junior Member
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Would be such a waste for production of J-10 to cease when it will be relevant and F-16's will be manufactured for some more considerable time when annual production is to go back up to 48 units per year and backlog for nearly 3 years.
And it would be bad strategy to shut down production of such a cheap and reliable figher when things could go tits up in the next four years.


Junior Member
Registered Member
And it would be bad strategy to shut down production of such a cheap and reliable figher when things could go tits up in the next four years.
I can sympathize with that sentiment, but the J-10C's utility is fundamentally limited by its range. Within the areas that it can cover, the PLAAF should already have enough mass that further airframes would have little if any meaningful benefit. OTOH I think further ramping up J-16 production is useful & should be pursued.

Iron Man

Registered Member
And it would be bad strategy to shut down production of such a cheap and reliable figher when things could go tits up in the next four years.
I agree, and for the same exact reason. Even low-rate production is better than shutting the entire production line down. It would also be unconscionable IMO if this line is shut down while there are still any 3rd generation fighters in PLAAF service.


Registered Member
I agree, and for the same exact reason. Even low-rate production is better than shutting the entire production line down. It would also be unconscionable IMO if this line is shut down while there are still any 3rd generation fighters in PLAAF service.
In no scenario are any lines being shut down. Even if CAC divested entirely of the J-10, it would use the freed capacity to produce more J-20s.

Iron Man

Registered Member
In no scenario are any lines being shut down. Even if CAC divested entirely of the J-10, it would use the freed capacity to produce more J-20s.
Then it becomes a question of cost as well as availability of (e.g.) WS-15s and other fancy electronics on the J-20. The whole point is that the J-10 is a relatively cheap mass-producible fighter that would be of immense value in a war of attrition with the US, a war which would more and more heavily favor China as the war drags on, but only if China can reliably outproduce the US. I suspect there could be plenty of limitations on CAC's ability to uptick J-20 production during wartime, but far less barriers for the J-10. At a time when you would want to get as many aircraft into the fight as fast as possible over and over, the J-10 is a far more expedient choice than the J-20, at least as far as this particular production line is concerned.


Registered Member
Then it becomes a question of cost as well as availability of (e.g.) WS-15s and other fancy electronics on the J-20. The whole point is that the J-10 is a relatively cheap mass-producible fighter that would be of immense value in a war of attrition with the US, a war which would more and more heavily favor China as the war drags on, but only if China can reliably outproduce the US. I suspect there could be plenty of limitations on CAC's ability to uptick J-20 production during wartime, but far less barriers for the J-10. At a time when you would want to get as many aircraft into the fight as fast as possible over and over, the J-10 is a far more expedient choice than the J-20, at least as far as this particular production line is concerned.
Per unit cost is too narrow a way to look at it. The better way to look at it is capability per unit cost. The J-20 is far more capable and survivable compared to the J-10, so even if one is lost it will have done far more damage than the number of J-10s you could have gotten for the price (which I very much doubt is more than 2).

I also want to comment on your assumption that China wants to attrite the US at cost and sacrifice to itself through "meat waves in the air." This isn't China's strategy at all. The point of China's military modernization is to achieve technological and numerical superiority over the US in the western Pacific, ultimately to such a degree that the US has no hope whatsoever in prevailing in any war under any circumstance.

Of course, the J-20 is the asset to acquire for this strategy, not the J-10.

Iron Man

Registered Member
Per unit cost is too narrow a way to look at it. The better way to look at it is capability per unit cost. The J-20 is far more capable and survivable compared to the J-10, so even if one is lost it will have done far more damage than the number of J-10s you could have gotten for the price (which I very much doubt is more than 2).
It's not just per unit cost, of course. It's also a matter of how many can you build over what time with what available resources, which would not be limited to just money.

I also want to comment on your assumption that China wants to attrite the US at cost and sacrifice to itself through "meat waves in the air." This isn't China's strategy at all. The point of China's military modernization is to achieve technological and numerical superiority over the US in the western Pacific, ultimately to such a degree that the US has no hope whatsoever in prevailing in any war under any circumstance.

Of course, the J-20 is the asset to acquire for this strategy, not the J-10.
By China's own admission and timeline, this modernization will not be achieved until 2035. And while the Chinese military is on the path to that, a war may start in the next few years, a point which was actually part of the original discussion: "And it would be bad strategy to shut down production of such a cheap and reliable figher when things could go tits up in the next four years".

While I don't disagree that the end goal of China's military modernization is victory through technology, strength of numbers will not ever disappear from such a calculus, including during a war when supplies dwindle and ease of manufacturing becomes more and more relevant. Nobody is trying to insinuate the human meat waves of the Korean War here, but that doesn't mean it won't be a numbers game, regardless of the technological balance on either side.