J-10 Thread IV


Lieutenant General
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Did my post make a claim that the image was new and high-resolution? If not, your post makes no sense, or do you just have picture-sharing privileges on this forum?

Please calm down, his remark was neither aggressive nor insulting, it was a simple remark, this image is "An old image and already shared in much better quality"!

And if you know this, why did you re-post it again? In fact this is this absolutely nasty and IMO plain stupid behaviour at the PDF where some fan-boys simply re-post the same images in more or less constant intervals simply since they are nice.

So please... either there is something new and then mention it or leave it! If a certain image was already posted and even more so in better quality, then there is no need to re-post it.


Junior Member
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No, in fact nothing … only a placard from GAIC showing a J-10.
i see, so still the same old thing for 2022....
it took CAC 2?3? (2016?2017? - 2019) years to build the new plent and start to produce J-20, so hopefully we could see GAIC J-10 sometime next year...?


Lieutenant General
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i see, so still the same old thing for 2022....
it took CAC 2?3? (2016?2017? - 2019) years to build the new plent and start to produce J-20, so hopefully we could see GAIC J-10 sometime next year...?

Why? IMO isn't it much more likely that CAC scaled down J-10 production to the current level - maybe for Pakistan, a few for the PLAAF and maybe new export customers - and that rumour to transfer it to Guizhou is simply wrong?

If the PLAAF has indeed scaled down the acquisition of additional J-10s and only a few are for export ... so why transferring production to a new site anyway?


Junior Member
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Why? IMO isn't it much more likely that CAC scaled down J-10 production to the current level - maybe for Pakistan, a few for the PLAAF and maybe new export customers - and that rumour to transfer it to Guizhou is simply wrong?

If the PLAAF has indeed scaled down the acquisition of additional J-10s and only a few are for export ... so why transferring production to a new site anyway?
In certain way i feel J-10 could go the F-16 blk70 route, move away from the mile long factory to somewhere else.
In a best case scenario, even PLAAF scale down the size of J-10 fleet, there could be another ~300 more J-10? for them and 100-150 for possible export, that's close to 500 in total. In this case, CAC could keep only 1 production line for R&D, then there will be still enough motivation for GAIC to open the J-10 production

2nd reason could be tech transfer, if i'm right GAIC is considered as subsidiary of CAC? or CAC take a lot part of its share, anyway AVIC may encourage this as well, like GAIC JJ-7, but this time it's J-10