All metals are subjected to corrosion, especially after 10 years, 15 years or 20 years of usage. Cars, jets, trains, bridges, telephone poles all suffer corrosion.
What caused the corrosion on J10 may not be water. Contaminates, salt or sand could be the culprit. Mositure is the agent for causing corrosive substance seeping into an aircraft, be it a J10, F-16, F15 or Boeing 737 etc.
The only non-corrosive environment is an arid dry desert, where hundreds of passenger jets are now being park because of the disruption in civil aviation industry due to the pandemic.
According to the and Control Office (AFCPCO), the alone spends upwards of $2 billion annually on corrosion maintenance. Aircraft rinsing with clear water after a mission is one of the most effective methods for removing contaminates, salt, or sand that contribute to corrosion. Riveer has developed several low pressure, high volume systems for washing and clear water rinsing fixed wing and rotary aircraft of all configurations, giving flight line personnel, crew chiefs and maintenance departments the tools they need to combat this costly and highly damaging foe. Find out more about the Riveer , , and ."