So the J-10C beat the J-16 and Su-35SK in WVR and BVR?

Beating the Su-35SK in WVR is quite a feat. This would show the pilot's skill as well as the effectiveness of the PL-10 missile. Beating the J-16 in BVR is also an impressive feat. Besides the pilot's skill, it looks like the J-10C has some hidden secrets. I always wondered whether the J-10C has some Rafale-like active cancellation?
I'm not sure how they rank the overall results of Golden Helmet and weighting of various engagements.
That said, the idea of J-10C defeating Su-35 in WVR and especially overall is hardly that surprising. Yankee's description comparing Su-35 with J-16 was pretty indicative in terms of their avionics and weapons, and J-10C has the same generation of avionics and the same A2A weapons suite as J-16 (PL-10 and PL-15) which outmatches the R-73 and R-77-1.
Given the addition of other factors like J-10Cs smaller RCS, as well as the fact that J-10C has quite a respectable T/W ratio and is a fairly nimble aircraft in its own right, the idea of J-10C being able to defeat Su-35s in a series of A2A wargames isn't too astounding.
I'd say that only seems "surprising" given the amount of hype that Su-35 and "TVC" gets in general.