Is it bad of me to wish that China actually did assist in pummeling ISIS in the ME so that I can see the J-10s loaded up with PGMs to blow stuff up ?
Because man do I wish to see the J-10 being blooded for the first time.
Further clarification of the orange team
The annual Red-Sword systemic confrontation exercise started much earlier this year than before. The third party force in the drill got a formal designation: Orange Force.
Hi these dummy missile can these be fired during the excercise for checking their working
Thank you
Dummy missiles are only there to create a realistic drag and weight handicap.
Not necessarily. There are also captive missiles or inert missiles used for training. They are pretty much the same as a service missiles sans the live warhead.
I think the only things operational on the training missiles are the seekers. The rocket engines, warhead and control fins are all dummies to simulate weight and drag only.