If that is the case, probably J-10A can do that job fine. With a big plant in chengdu servicing AL-31F engines. I bet they have plans for many J-10A to continue for long. J-10A is also probably cheaper to operate than J-10B. Recent , exercise in Tibet show J-10A can perform precision strike using PGM. So its a very mature platform. Russian has no problem of continue supplying AL-31F engines for China.
Irrelevant, and highly questionable.
On what basis are you suggesting that the J10A will be cheaper to operate than J10B?
The biggest difference between the two in terms of operational costs would be from the engines. With the WS10A being domestic, meaning all spares are domestic instead of imported, that alone would translate into pretty significant operational cost savings. In addition, it is very likely that the WS10A will have better MTBO, total service life and fuel economy compared to the AL31, which again would translate into lower service costs.
One of the biggest advantages of AESA over conventional radar in terms of maintenance and operational costs is that many of the individual T/R models could fail, but the radar would still work. More advanced self diagnostic systems could also further reduce operational costs.
As for the AL31 refurb plant, well that could be converted into a WS10A refurb plant, and no doubt will be in the future. The AL31 has served the PLAAF well, but China is not going to be using it forever.
The fact, J-10B has not form a regiment yet not to mention enter service soon with suspected J-20 operation date getting nearer and nearer.
As has been pointed out many times already, J20 has nothing to do with the J10B. These planes are in completely different weight classes.
One could not speculate J-10B might just serve as an export for PAF.
Extremely unlike. China would not build 4 flying prototypes for an export only plane.
J-20 is a massive upgrade compare to J-10B. First, Super cruise and stealth both are archieved which is consider a massive advantge compare to J-10B since internal weapon bay is absent on J-10B. Second, definitely the J-20 range will surpass J-10B with bigger internal fuel capacity plus super cruise.
Again, irrelevant. They serve different purposes within the PLAAF.
With AESA installed on J-10B, i bet the price of J-10B will not come cheap.
It might be more expansive than the J10A, but it will still only be a fraction of the cost of a J20.
So now you are operating a not very cheap platform plus with the upgrade of only radar, I do not think DSI on J-10B will have a massive advantage of RCS over a J-10A. It will improve but not to a heavy extend.
Which indicates you clearly do not appreciate just what the J10B represents.
It is not just a J10A with new AESA radar and DSI, just from casual external observations, we know that it sports a new integrated EW suit, IRST and WS10A engines. Internally, it is extremely likely to be sporting a vastly improved avionics suit. It may well boost China's first 5th gen avionics suit and would be more comparable to what will be installed in the J20 rather than the J10A.
If I am PLAAF top brass, with engineers telling me J-20 project is going very smooth and going to be operational soon. I will strike off J-10B and go for a massive advantage of J-20. The lower class of plane will be filled by J-10A. Problem solved.
So you would stop all production of J10s now?
China still have hundreds of J7s and J8s that need replacing very soon, even some of the first Flankers are being retired already. Are you proposing that they are all replaced with J20s?
The PLAAF and PLANAF will need many hundreds, maybe over a thousand new fighters in the next few decades. They cannot all be J20s. No matter how more much expensive a J10B is compared to a J10A, there is little to no chance that it will cost more than a J11B, and probably far less than a J11B with AESA radar. If the PLAAF don't buy more J10s, what would you have them use?
The J10A is good enough today, but in even 10 years time, it will start to show it's age and will need to be upgraded with just the kind of things that make the J10B more expansive in order to stay useful. So why 'strike off' the J10B and just buy more J10As only to have to upgrade them to J10B standard in a few years time anyways?
The PLAAF is not buying J10Bs right now because it is not yet ready for operations. When it is ready, you can be sure that they will switch production to it from J10A.