Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Mass casualty event in the north. Hezbollah launched a drone striking a military barrack in the Golan. 20 are injured with one seriously wounded. Israel is fighting a war of attrition in Gaza,West Bank and the north. This isn’t sustainable for the Israelis.

Mass??? A mere twenty injuries does not accurate depiction of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian deaths (including thousands of children) that have occurred since Israel's inception.

Twenty injuries is hardly a drop in the ocean.

They should have said this at the beginning of the genocide not after the slaughter.

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Translation - One resistance fighter faced a whole group of soldiers.

Kan channel reveals details of the battles inside the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of the Gaza Strip.

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TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Senior Iranian and Saudi diplomats talked about the interaction between Tehran and Riyadh and the latest regional developments, most notably the situation in Gaza.​

In a telephone conversation on Friday, Caretaker Foreign Minister of Iran Ali Baqeri and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan discussed topics of mutual interest as well as the latest developments in Palestine and the Zionist regime’s brutal crimes.

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Statement by Al-Quds Brigades

Al-Quds Brigades: We bombed the soldiers and vehicles of the Zionist enemy penetrating the vicinity of the Rafah crossing with a barrage of mortar shells.

Destroying enemy forces penetrating into the Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells

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Correction .... their governments not general public.

For example....

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That's nothing when compared to the "arab spring" (so basically when they want better conditions for themselves). The majority of the arab public (not all) are self-serving hypocrites who do nothing but chant some slogans and wave some flags when they should be threatening to storm their governments' offices for their criminal inaction during such a blatant genocides. This is especially true for SA and Egypt, who proclaim themselves "leaders of the muslim world".
It is fine if you wish to look after your own interests and don't truly care about what happens to Palestinians (AKA "not my circus, not my monkeys"), but in that case you should never open your mouth and spout BS about "supporting the cause" when it is convenient to do so (as in during peacetime).
What basically happened in the last 9 months is that Israel slapped all muslims, spat on their faces and challenged them to do anything about it. to which they responded (or rather didn't) by cowering and making some useless statements. Contrast that with China which dared to fight the US at the height of its power and paid for it with blood and lives in order to avoid having US bases near its borders, or with the arabs during the early days of Islam who fought against seemingly impossible odds and won (battle of Badr, battle of Yarmouk, etc.). Meanwhile, we had Malaysia risking instability because the word "Allah" was written on a sock and the same happening in Pakistan because some foreigner mocked the prophet.
These people pretend to be strong and fierce in defending their religion only when it does not require some effort and sacrifice. They're a disgrace to their ancestors and I have no respect for them.


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It’s reported by Israeli media that Iran has increased weapons shipments to Hezbollah. And since October 7th Iran already was increasing weapons shipments to Hezbollah. Likely anti air weaponry.

And to add upon this Gallant has stated Israel needs extra 10,000 troops. The manpower situation of Israel is really bad. David Petraeus openly admitted in an essay that Israel has only 15,000 active duty combat troops! And the reserve force which is about 465,000 troops only half of them are combat reservist. And they are poorly trained and have low morale as we’ve seen in Gaza. These troops are being stretched thin fighting in Gaza,West Bank and the northern border. This is the reason why the Israeli defense minister Gallant is saying Israel needs 10k extra troops. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel does what Ukraine did and create a foreign legion to recruit foreign mercenaries to reinforce their deplorable armed forces in a regional war. This is why the axis of resistance is waging this war of attrition because they know Israel can’t fight for long. Sooner than later they’ll collapse because of attrition and exhaustion.