Unwillingly, though. As soon as they leave, the idiots in Washington would let the hounds loose. Anyone who's been observing what's been going on around Turkey in the last 30 years can confirm this. Weirdly enough most of the folks @ CENTCOM have a hate boner when it comes to Turkey and would love nothing more than to have their way and bomb it into oblivion.
Provoking Turkey could've been one of their biggest f.ckups ever, if Turkey had competent people on the job.
I guess during their adventures in Iraq, they expected Turkey to act like a good little puppet and invade from the north but that never happened; so when they became high ranking officials the first thing they did was to ally with Turkey's enemies, be it terorrist groups or even America's regional adversaries.
They truly live in an isolated reality of their own... This is why they can't pull themselves out of Middle East, they meddled with too many countries' internal businesses and created such a blunder that it blew back on their face.
They didn't understand that the American influence in the region will one day inevitably fade away; but those countries, those people that they've meddled with are here to stay.
During the initial planning of the IRAQ INVASION 2003 the US military was going to utilize it's ULTRA MODERN 4th Infantry division through Turkey. As stated by Gen.Wes Clark (ret.) on his book titled " Winning Modern Wars" pages 21-22I guess during their adventures in Iraq, they expected Turkey to act like a good little puppet and invade from the north but that never happened; so