But isn't soemthing still missing here ? In high altitudes where the air is much thinner, there's lesser drag. Therefore the missile has a much greater range and is faster giving it's controll-surfaces better performances. Wich in turn increases it's manneuverability again. I just don't know wich effect is more importand.
The missile may have greater range, but it still means it relies on catching the target fast enough before it can maneuver. Note a direct contact is not needed, you only need to bring the missile into blast proxmity to the target.
As the air thins, so does the maneuverbility of the missile, but then, that the target plane may not be as maneuverable as well. So it just balances out. But if the plane has TVC, it can still do some crazy maneuvers in thin air that would unlock the missle seeker.
Of course the exception are missiles that also have TVC.
Fairly true, I'd like to add here that this of course only helps as long as the rocket-motor still burns. So if you just manage to stay in a position where the motor will be burnedout until the missile reaches you, you have a even better chance of eveding the missile. (Python5 seems to be somewhat an exception here with it's aerodynamic maneuverability.)
That's why I'm looking forward to see the ramjet powered Meteor wich can still use it's motor in it's outer range envelope.
The thing I forgot to tell is that TVC rocket motors do suffer from parasitic losses, so their thrust is not really as strong as a non TVC one. Please note this is also true of TVC aircraft to non TVC aircraft, you are bleeding thrust.
This is the reason why the Israelis choose not to use TVC. But on the other hand, using aerodynamic controls means that the missile also have more aerodynamic drag, so it balances it out. Somehow the Israelis figured that the penalty of the aerodynamic drag isn't as much as the TVC parasitic thrust loss. In order to regain the missile speed, which is essential for kill probability, you have to burn in a faster rate and that takes off range. But if you add more propellant, you add missile weight.
And of course, when the fuel rans out, the TVC missile just goes ballistic, but the aerofoil controlled missile can still do last fraction of a second flight control changes.