I have to say, overall NK is pretty much fucked.
And yes, in this case the Western media is getting it a lot more accurate then they are on China.
I been studying that country for many years and here is some general history and facts.
From after the Korean war NK's economy was developing really well until the early 1990s, they have achieved a urbanization rate far more than China, in fact today most of the people are supposedly live in cities. Most of NK's economy was dominated by heavy industry and mining, but most of the economy was vastly inefficient due to communism policy, and their main trading partner was the Soviet Union, and the trade only goes one ways, mostly economic aid provide by USSR to NK, which was basically a bribe to keep NK on Soviet side to not ally with China, but USSR itself was in deep trouble economically as well, as they suddenly collapsed in 1991, NK literally became poor overnight. Before this they also had a good thing going with mining minerals, they really started to investing in mineral extraction around the 70-80s and borrowed heavily from Europe for modern equipment, however right after 80-90s the world mineral market crashed, which means NK had no money to pay the loan back, it had to default on it is borrowing, which pretty much destroyed their reputation in the international credit market.
So basically they were doing really well from 60-90, and overnight they literally became poor, this combined leadership change, heavy focus in military investment, long term bad government, obsolete equipment, cutting off of food aid from Soviet Union, natural disaster which all resulted in a bad famine in the mid 90s which killed about 10% of their population, this totally took the country over the edge.
All the early urbanization which was seen as progress was now a nightmare in the famines, the city had became a death trap as people have no food to feed itself, no where to escape, no work to do, there are reports that in just a few weeks they city no longer had any pest problem... or any animals left, because people ate them all. And yes, people are not allowed to freely travel in the country.
Then you had this nuclear weapon thing in the 2000s, which does not help them.
Here is some interesting fact about NK
1. The capital Pyongyang is literally a show, it receives vast majority of the nation resource, all the people that live there are well connected families, and their living standing is actually not bad at all, many people even have similar standard of living as South Koreans or upper-middle class Chinese. Outside of capital, it is entirely different story.
2. NK is not communism, it instead is a cast society much like India. People are divided by class, the lowest class are the ones associated with the enemy during the Korean war or family of looser in leadership battles, there are reports of babies born into labor camps simply because their grandfather was on the other side of the war. There is no merit system, if your family is upper class, you will always be upper class, and if your family have bad history, you are fucked for the rest of your life.
3. NK government is very stable, there is no chance of revolution anytime soon, this is because the military dominates everything, and the leadership has made the military itself a stakeholder in the government, if it falls, everyone suffers.
4. NK people are very xenophobic, they brainwash kids from very young that they are a superior race, and yes they look down on Chinese. The teaching is very similar to the Nazi teaching and Imperial Japan during WW2. They have a lot of pride, just because they are poor, it does not make them feel inferior.
5. NK economy as of right now, is doing well, at least for the military upper class, this is mainly attributed to the increase in mineral price, which they are selling to China by the train loads. However there is no evidence the farmers or people in the secondary cities are receiving the benefits.
This is an interesting article about NK that come out today, gives you a good snap shot of the country.