Re: Iran Strategies
1.) US controls the Persian Gulf. The shoreline of Iran might be 1600 km long, but locations with strategic and military value are not that many. Two carrier battle groups with airforce back up from Qatar is more than enough.
2.) That depends. For one thing Iran must be really sure that an attack is immenent or you get a situation that is the reverse of what your looking for. Secondly, you better make sure that you have the capability to successfuly carry out your preemptive attack. Because failure, chances are you will fail, will incur massive and irreplacable military losses.
I was educating myself by listening Ron Paul stating that the US is surrounding Iran right now preparing for war and that laws are being implement, laws similar to those that implemented on Iraq in 1998 for regime change.
Question 1: Who controls the waters around Iran right now considering the two air-craft carriers in the area? The shore line of Iran is over 1600km long, Iraq only has 10-20km long shore long.
Question 2: If the US is going to attack Iran, is the best option for Iran a preemptive attack while the US sets up its military to declare war. I mean look at Iraq if Iraq attacked while the US was preparing they would have had a better chance. I mean one surprise attack might prevent a war.
Link removed because of it's political nature.
1.) US controls the Persian Gulf. The shoreline of Iran might be 1600 km long, but locations with strategic and military value are not that many. Two carrier battle groups with airforce back up from Qatar is more than enough.
2.) That depends. For one thing Iran must be really sure that an attack is immenent or you get a situation that is the reverse of what your looking for. Secondly, you better make sure that you have the capability to successfuly carry out your preemptive attack. Because failure, chances are you will fail, will incur massive and irreplacable military losses.