We don't even know what kind of radar or engines are being used. The engine doesn't appear to be the same one used by Saeqeh or F-5.
You are right, we don't know so we are again down to make assumptions based on given data. In this case its practically down to the images released. From those IMO can be assumed that the Azarakshs have same engines (J85) as in the orginal F-5E. This is based on the fact that we can see only the nozzles which seems to be equal to the ones in standart F-5s. I know its quite vague reasoning but sofar we have no otehr factors that indicates sometheing else. If you have something that makes my assumption incorrect, please provide sources and we can set this thing straight.
To M-ATF: The latest pics of the Iranian fighter is somewhat different to the previous ones. In this picture the plane has single tailplane and mid-mounted wings in the manners of YF-17 and F/A-18. Its either that there is two different F-5 derivations or that this latest pic is a hoax. I bit leaning on the latter one, somehow the wings positioning seems bit odd. But I wont say anything solid untill we see more pictures or recive realible data that enlightens us more.