iran to buy chinese wepons


New Member
Any kind of big purchases made buy Iran are definately ring some bells in the U.S. government. Whether it be transport planes or whatever you can bet that it will be a topic of discussion among the higher ups. Maybe not as much for it's actual military capacity, but more that it's a sign, atleast to the American government, of China's possible willingness to support this increasingly radical government and it's leaders.

Seriously, Iran is a real hot topic right now. Even more so in the U.S. government than the EU, and is getting hotter by the minute. You can also bet that the Americans and Israelis already have attack plans drawn up, just really looking for good enough reasons.

I really wouldn't be surprised if any day now these Iranian nuke facilities go down in the blaze of an Israeli airstrike(s).


Junior Member
Well the same 'public relations' firms that gave us news about Iraqi
soldiers stealing baby units from hospitals are putting out some stories
about Iran.

J-10 will never be sold to Iran because the Chinese wouldn't want the
Americans to capture one of their latest aircraft.

I suppose the Russians might sell the latest radars just to test them out