Well the vosper desing, albeit really old one, is still one of the best of its gategory. Expecially be the engine compartment, those ships have powerfull gas turbines to enable even 40 kn dash speeds, packed with economical cruise engines for nearly 4,000nm endurance, that is par with contenporary western escorts. If the new ships reatains these features, I wouldnt call them useless.
In matter of fact, if they share the engine compartment of the Vosper desing, these ships would be lot more potential fighting platforms, than USN littorial combat ships.
Well, a couple of comments.
The Vosper is a good design and a potent craft for what it is designed for. For regional conflict, for protecting Gulf activities, for coastal partrol, etc. it is a great platform with good armament, good speed and good endurance.
However, if it should come to a fight with the US Navy and other US forces, the shelf life of these vessels will be measured in either hours or days IMHO. The Iranians just do not have the capability of protecting them, nor will they be able to protect themselves against a major onslaught by US Navy missiles, aircraft, subs, ships, or other US air forces.
Now, as to the comment that this design itself is a better potential fighting platform than what the LCS will be...well we will have to agree to disagree on that. The LCS is being designed to have a faster speed (45-50 kt sustained vs 40 kt dash), longer endurance (4,300-4,500 nm vs 4,000 nm), at full load of 4,000 tons it will carry a much more flexible and heavier weapons load (either ASW, ASuW, patrol, special ops, or mine duties on the same platform with a change of major functional duties in a day, while retaining significant core capabilities equal to and better than the Vosper)), will have a much better air defence system IMHO with RAM or MK-41, will be able to also fulfill (by design) significant special operations duties, and, very impotantly, will be able to carry and house its own very capable MH-60 helos (either two helos or one helo and three UAVs) and UAVs and launch them in up to sea state five.
In addition, it is being designed for a 95% operational availability, which, if achieved will also be very critical.
In all of these areas it will be the better platform than the Vosper IMHO, and that is not to say that the Vosper is bad by any means...IMHO, it is a good platform as you have said, just will not compare to the LCS...again IMHO.