What's even funnier is the Judge later gave her additional sentencing for that action and she wasn't laughing any longer.
Well I find the actions of that judge to be distasteful and pretty damn hypocritical given
Had he been taken to court over that farce and the judge threw the book at him like he did to that girl, he would not have been allowed to be a judge. In hindsight, its probably a shame he was allowed to become a judge as a bar association survey found that he was rank second worst amongst 99 judges with 46% of participants thinking he was unqualified to sit on the bench.
If you watch a longer version of the video, it is pretty obvious that the girl was as high as a kite when she was in court. She was just happy and did nothing offensive until the judge doubled her bail for no reason other than because he did not like her saying 'adios' to him when she was leaving.
His behaviour just smacks of a petty bully who uses heavy handed sentences in the mistaken belief that fear is the same as respect as an over-compensation for the fact that he is incompetent and held in low regard if not contempt by his peers.
He has destroyed that girls future by giving her a criminal record over nothing because of an altercation he imitated out of pettiness.
A real judge would have had the dignity to rise above the maturity level of a stoned teenager. By all means throw her in a cell for flipping him a bird and swearing in court as that sort of thing is unacceptable. But he could, and should have had held back on giving her a criminal record until she at least has had a chance to sleep off whatever was in her system.
If she was still being abusive and stupid in the morning, then she would have earned her criminal record. But if she was just totally off her face at the time, it would just be incredibly stupid and petty to saddle her with a criminal record when she probably didn't even really know what was going on when she did what she did.