Interesting & Funny Videos


Lieutenant General
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I understand fashion is an art. But like art sometimes you look at it and think how is a piece of toast placed on a floor mat a masterpiece? I like a good stiletto heel on a woman but I don't get the fashion of those platform thick high heel shoes except to make short women taller. One of those shoes in this video I can get as art because it says what those thick high heels look like on a woman... a horse hoof. Which is odd because one insult for women is to say they look like a horse. These shoes only perpetuate it.


I dig that video but here's one Equation would appreciate even more.


You could sell tickets to that show!!!

Excuse me while I go take a cold shower.


A bit late since election already over, but... :p



New Member

Just recommend a short animation "Beat, Beat a big watermelon", a Chinese original animation on the topics human and warfare which earned a prize in Berlin, 2009.

Hope you can enjoy, and post more pieces.
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Lieutenant General
Here's another one I saw a while back. I didn't know it was a LG promotion until now.
