Junior Member
Wow, great job! I appreciate the hard work, and it indeed an interesting look at the PLAAF. I had felt that there were some problems before, though my theory was a little different.
在高平战役进入关键时刻,某装甲营在开进途中接到上级命令,要他们在团长、政委率领下搭载少量步兵,在 3个小时内,杀开一条血路,冲破数十公里距离越军的重重阻拦,不惜一切代价,直插东溪,截断越南某师的退路,并阻止敌人一个王牌师的增援,确保歼灭战的顺利进行。车轮滚滚,马达轰鸣,装甲洪流不顾越南军队和民兵在有利地形上的层层阻击,推开被越军“截头打尾”战法击毁堵住去路的战车,克服被越军炸垮水库洪水沼泽的阻拦,迎着呼啸飞过的反坦克导弹和火箭弹的轰击,坚决地朝东溪杀去!轰!团长的指挥坦克中弹!团长牺牲!轰!政委的坦克中弹!政委牺牲!沙石公路两边的越军埋伏在茂密的原始森林中,象狂风一样射出各种枪弹和火箭,有的暴露在敌人火力下的步兵勇士甚至被敌人的高射机枪子弹拦腰扫断,到处是飞扬的残肢短臂,到处是负伤的战友,许多战士负伤多次,还在用手中的武器还击着越军,准备用自己生命的最后一刻,掩护战车脱离险境,为祖国和人 民流尽最后一滴血。
In late 1990s, we finally saw Su-27's cockpit. We were surprised, it has none of the MFD and navigation systems that Western 2/3 generation fighters have. It has no HSD. It only has a radar display, everything else are steam gauges. It's not much better than the 30-year behind J-8II's cockpit, is it really a 3rd gen fighter? The RWR is not precise (it only displays in 20 deg increments, can't display radar threats past 90 degrees), old electronics, cumbersome switches, it's worse than 80s Euro/American avionics. We think this is more of a 2nd gen aircraft pretending to be a 3rd gen. It has no all weather precision attack capability like our internet friends boasted before, especially not in the electronic age of today, no wonder people of the world think Su-27 is only the “刀马旦” (I think that's a movie), of the information age, which means, other than the cobra manoeuvre (which is only good for show), it's not very useful. This explains why the Taiwanese became increasingly bold, looking down on our Su-27s