You forget something it is not certain wether if most of these people shown are professionals that do not lack any in depth knowledge in modern warfare.To be honest PLA infantry do feels like upgraded North Korean army. This white cat, black cat don’t matter if they catch a mouse ideology is so old fashioned. A properly dressed military personell also gives an psychological impression of competence & professionalism. A random enemy soldier would react differently against random person wearing US infantry camo / PLA camo.
Humans since ancient age has always tried to appear meaner, stronger, bigger by using various makeups, ornamnets, outfits to psychologically demoralize its opponents.
I bet atleast half of the twitter keyboard warriors will stop spamming war against China if they see how modernized Chinese military personnel appear.
That goes for how well they are equipped and what tactics they utilize we have to remember The Western Military loves to showboat their gear off like they are the shit which eventually had most of the NATO Alliances join the Tacticool Bandwagon.
The US showboats due to the fact they are proud of something that is a US based product that remains superior in Quality manufacturing wise hence why there's many independent arms dealers companies in US is a part of their culture.
It's what they are best at America has long sought to find a solution for the people of America to make their own products rather than relying on foreign manufacturers
Difference is America has a reason to really showboat while there's no need for China they are doing well in the manufacturing market maybe not when it comes to Military products but other than that they are pretty much dominating the market.
The issue with China there's hardly any independent arms dealer companies who isn't and is working for the military necessarily.
It's more the question will China open the Civilian market to Military Products that is more expensive. The current arms manufacturers working for the PLA are not left with many Options since the PLA are not seeking to spend money on extremely expensive gear unlike US.
US has spent 731 Billion on the Military
China has spent so far 244 Billion on the military.
That's about 70% less than what US has spent on the military.
It's not that the Chinese Military does not have the competence or afford highly expensive products. It's that they are just not looking to upgrade their military at urgent rate since there is no urgency.
People are acting as if China will start a war anytime which is blatant ignorance.
But these Keyboard warriors don't pay attention to that unfortunately.
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