Wait, which Typhoon did the MKI square off against? The one with TVC or the one without it?
If I understand your question correct, you refer to the Typhoons here? There are no TVC Typhoons. And from what I read out of the articles the MKI were full spec ones with TVC.
As is always the case with those exercises, we'll probably never see the full truth. As the article sais, they tested their aircraft in a wide variety of situations, wich probably would not generally occur in combat since the pilots know the situations in wich their aircraft perform worse and would therefore be avoided, if possible.
I would say that with the TVC the MKIs might probably be more maneuverable in the sense of being able to change the direction in wich their nose is pointing faster. And therefore be able to change flight directen somewhat faster also. However, since the TVC pushes the tail "down", I'd say this comes at the cost of greater AoAs wich mean much more drag. So the hard turns will mean being rather slow moving for some time, wich is a real bad thing, IMO. While on the other hand and the advantage of high AoAs to attack off boresight is just a duplication of a capacity already given by HMCS and HOBS missiles.
In contrast, I think the Typhoon is better described as being highly agile. Though it won't be able to do the same "cobras", I think it doesn't neet to, because of missiles and avonics. But it's aerodynamics should enable it to do hard turns at far greater speeds. Wich not only allows it to change direction rather quickly, but also it's position in the air, since it's moving fast all the time. So I'd give that to the Typhoons.
In BVR, the supercruise, RCS reduction meassures and also it's radar, should also play out.
At least in my theorie ...
Maybe there will pop up some hints to the results in the future, but if the MKIs could really make a draw, I'd be somewhat suprised, and a little disapointed.