I feel you are grasping at straws in constructing a completely artificial scenario.
And I already know the geography.
1. China is going to attack in Kashmir and NE India - if India tries to blockade China in the Malacca Straits. A few squadrons of J-20 stealth fighter should cut down Indian fighter jets like flies. India faces the prospect of losing air superiority over the cities of Northern India. So what spare aircraft are you talking about for the Andaman Islands?
2. The Malacca Straits countries are not going to be neutral. They will openly or tacitly support China in defeating the Indian blockade which is hurting Asia's seaborne trade
3. A portion of the Chinese fleet is capable of completely overwhelming and destroying the Indian Navy and any supporting land-based aircraft.
4. China has enough submarines to completely blockade all of India's ports. Whilst India doesn't have enough ships even to defend Indian ports and implement a Malacca blockade as well. Never mind resupply the Andaman Islands. Redo your numbers on your proposed force structure. The Chinese could send 10 submarines against the Indian West Coast, 10 submarines against the Indian East Coast, then still have 40 submarines for the Indian fleet near the Andaman Islands.
5. Remember that China can actually base a large bomber, fighter and tanker fleet in the South China Seas. Call it 300 aircraft in total. Theoretically, China could have 100 H-6 bombers flying 3000km to the Andaman islands and back without any airborne refueling. And come to think of it, it might be easier for Chinese strike fighters to fly over the city of Kolkota, and then launch cruise missile attacks against the Andaman Islands. How is the port city of Kolkota supposed to resupply the Andaman Islands?
I feel you are grasping at straws in constructing a completely artificial scenario.
And I already know the geography.
1. China is going to attack in Kashmir and NE India - if India tries to blockade China in the Malacca Straits. A few squadrons of J-20 stealth fighter should cut down Indian fighter jets like flies. India faces the prospect of losing air superiority over the cities of Northern India. So what spare aircraft are you talking about for the Andaman Islands?
2. The Malacca Straits countries are not going to be neutral. They will openly or tacitly support China in defeating the Indian blockade which is hurting Asia's seaborne trade
3. A portion of the Chinese fleet is capable of completely overwhelming and destroying the Indian Navy and any supporting land-based aircraft.
4. China has enough submarines to completely blockade all of India's ports. Whilst India doesn't have enough ships even to defend Indian ports and implement a Malacca blockade as well. Never mind resupply the Andaman Islands. Redo your numbers on your proposed force structure. The Chinese could send 10 submarines against the Indian West Coast, 10 submarines against the Indian East Coast, then still have 40 submarines for the Indian fleet near the Andaman Islands.
5. Remember that China can actually base a large bomber, fighter and tanker fleet in the South China Seas. Call it 300 aircraft in total. Theoretically, China could have 100 H-6 bombers flying 3000km to the Andaman islands and back without any airborne refueling. And come to think of it, it might be easier for Chinese strike fighters to fly over the city of Kolkota, and then launch cruise missile attacks against the Andaman Islands. How is the port city of Kolkota supposed to resupply the Andaman Islands?