1. Indian Navy was the key player in the 1971 war. Sure, a bold assessment, but it's worth noting that's it's widely accepted in India.I'm not being sarcastic when I ask this: Would you please list some? Because the picture that forms my mind when I try to link the words "achievement" and "Indian navy" is using harpoons to launch rope to ships sailing alongside. From the post I linked above:
2. Indian Navy was instrumental in making the 1999 Kargil conflict the way it was. Or, to be exact, wasn't.
3. Indian Navy - and that is important - is quite skillful in explaining its role to the politicians. Both wartime and peacetime.
4. A much more typical assessment of Indian navy personnel - including assessment from people whom I trust - is actually quite high.
5. US sailors -some of them - are known for this attitude since forever; I can get you similar quotes on PLAN, French or whomever sans the British(who are even less humble