Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

Maula Jatt

Junior Member
Registered Member
Lol @T90s thaught this was YouTube comment section where he would pop of talk s***, circle jerk and go off his way (although tbf he kept it light most of the time in indian internet sphere talking about genecoide and killing of innocent people is pretty normal infact expected- That's why the greater power will never give em power, as they'll end up commiting some sort of evil against humanity)

SDF members be like, nah not here ha ha


Registered Member
Lol @T90s thaught this was YouTube comment section where he would pop of talk s***, circle jerk and go off his way (although tbf he kept it light most of the time in indian internet sphere talking about genecoide and killing of innocent people is pretty normal infact expected- That's why the greater power will never give em power, as they'll end up commiting some sort of evil against humanity)

SDF members be like, nah not here ha ha

One could only wish. But it ought to be mentioned then that this sort of attitude isn't prevalent amongst all Indians. Just a worrying number of them. The British did some nasty work on Indian psyche. Evil begets evil. All of the issues and division stem from the origin evil which was initiated by "Great" Britain. Most there have no comprehension of the damage they have done to Indians and Asian peoples. The persisting consequences even decades after leaving and centuries after entering India.


Registered Member
Because the Russians took Indian money from Brahmos (glorified upgrade Yakhont/Onik missile) and used it to develop the much faster and deadly Zircon hypersonic missile for Russia. Inducting the Brahmos into Russia has no added value, Russia just took Indian cash to develop an even faster and powerful hypersonic missile.
Zirkon was developed under state order, with Russian very own money(and research goes all the way through the age of hypersonic studies).
And even if Zircon is the next top toy - the current high-end Russian ASCM is Oniks, which is essentially a twin brother of the Brahmos; it is still among the deadliest ASCMs in the world, and it won't go away anywhere anytime soon.
p.s. to more seasoned Indian watchers - am I right to understand that the only significant(tactically important) difference in armament b/n next generation of Indian destroyers and Frigates is 8 additional strike cells?