Could it also be the platform for one of the touted 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid guns?Lifting stuff from another defence forum.
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( due credits to the original poster. Feel free to repost it under thy name).
The carrier seem to have "done away" with the port side platform for CIWS.
It is mentioned in the Naval Technology Website:
Four OTO Melera 76mm Super Rapid guns – two on the bow section and two at the stern side – will be fitted. They can fire 120 rounds a minute at a range of 30,000m.
Though they mentioned bow section. I couldn't see where on the bow section could they install 2 x 76mm gun turrets. Unless it's on the sides of the bow section.
Why India decided to install 76mm guns on the Vikrant is probably because of some Italian (Fincantieri) influence on the design. Whether it's a good idea, it's up for debate. The Cavour aircraft carrier of Italy has 2 x 76mm guns. But unlike Vikrant, its 76mm guns are quite visible.
Could it be that, for whatever reasons, the Indian Navy decided to do away with at least one of the 76mm guns at the bow section?